
type access

  • Operating System:

  • Terminal:

  • Shell:

  • Editor:

  • Package Manager:

  • Programming Language:

  • Database:

  • Utility:

  • Extension:

type access

  • Operating System:

  • Terminal:

  • Shell:

  • Editor:

  • Package Manager:

  • Programming Language:

  • Database:

  • Utility:

  • Extension:

type access

  • Operating System:

  • Terminal:

  • Shell:

  • Editor:

  • Package Manager:

  • Programming Language:

  • Database:

  • Utility:

  • Extension:

type access

  • Operating System:

  • Terminal:

  • Shell:

  • Editor:

  • Package Manager:

  • Programming Language:

  • Database:

type access

  • Operating System:

  • Shell:

  • Editor:

  • Package Manager:

  • Programming Language:

  • Database:

Django is a Python-based web framework whose primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.

For more information, check the official documentation here.

The Django applications comes with the following options:

  • Project directory (mandatory), points to the Django project directory. In the case of a new project, an empty directory can be pointed to.

  • Initialization, allows to execute a Bash script when the job starts. The script can be used to install additional software and set up the workspace environment. This parameter can also accept a *.txt file with a list of Python packages to be installed.

  • Port, allows to change port to be exposed (default: 8000).

  • Deployment, run in deployment mode. This parameter takes a bash script including a startup command for the Django application.

  • Configure custom links to your application, expose the Django application to a public link.

The application by default starts in development mode, namely the Deployment parameter is not used and the server needs to be deployed from the terminal interface.

Create New Django Application

In development mode, a new Django project can be initiated by running the following command from the app terminal interface:

$ django-admin startproject my_project

which will create a new directory called my_project. This folder contains a collection of settings for an instance of Django, including database configuration, Django-specific options and application-specific settings. The structure of the folder is:

├── my_project
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── file4

where the inner my_project folder contains the actual Python package for the project. The project configuration is defined in the module The module provides a set of Django command-line utilities.

Running the Django Server

In development mode, the server can be deployed directly via the terminal interface. Within the Django project folder (e.g., my_project), this is accomplished using the command:

$ python runserver


Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
June 10, 2021 - 08:32:54
Django version 3.2.4, using settings 'my_project.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

In deployment mode, the user can pass a Bash script via the Deployment parameter, which will start the web interface soon after the job is submitted. For example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eux

python runserver

To access the Django application interface, the host address need to be added to ALLOWED_HOSTS in the file, e.g.


The script will be executed within the Django project directory. Afterwards, the web interface will be accessible by clicking on


If the Django Applications should be accessible to other people, then the Django UCloud App should be launched using the Configure custom links to your application parameter.

Change the Server's Port

By default, the web server is deployed on port 8000. The port can be changed either by including these lines of code in the module

from import Command as runserver

runserver.default_port = "3000"

or by adding the new port via command-line utility runserver:

$ python runserver 3000


The new server's port must be also specified via the Port parameter, before submitting the job.


For information on how to use the Initialization parameter, please refer to the Initialization: Bash Script and Initialization: PyPI Packages section of the documentation.