
API: Stable

The UCloud permission model

enum class Permission {

This type covers the permission part of UCloud’s RBAC based authorization model. UCloud defines a set of standard permissions that can be applied to a resource and its associated operations.

READ Grants an entity access to all read-based operations

Read-based operations must not alter the state of a resource. Typical examples include the browse and retrieve* endpoints.

EDIT Grants an entity access to all write-based operations

Write-based operations are allowed to alter the state of a resource. This permission is required for most update* endpoints.

ADMIN Grants an entity access to special privileged operations

This permission will allow the entity to perform any action on the resource, unless the operation specifies otherwise. This operation is, for example, used for updating the permissions attached to a resource.

PROVIDER Grants an entity access to special privileged operations specific to a provider