
API: Stable

A Resource is the core data model used to synchronize tasks between UCloud and Provider.

data class ExampleResource(
    val id: String,
    val specification: ExampleResource.Spec,
    val createdAt: Long,
    val status: ExampleResource.Status,
    val updates: List<ExampleResource.Update>,
    val owner: ResourceOwner,
    val permissions: ResourcePermissions?,
    val providerGeneratedId: String?,

For more information go here.

id: String A unique identifier referencing the `Resource`

The ID is unique across a provider for a single resource type.

specification: ExampleResource.Spec
createdAt: Long Timestamp referencing when the request for creation was received by UCloud
status: ExampleResource.Status Holds the current status of the `Resource`
updates: List<ExampleResource.Update> Contains a list of updates from the provider as well as UCloud

Updates provide a way for both UCloud, and the provider to communicate to the user what is happening with their resource.

owner: ResourceOwner Contains information about the original creator of the `Resource` along with project association
permissions: ResourcePermissions? Permissions assigned to this resource

A null value indicates that permissions are not supported by this resource type.

providerGeneratedId: String?

API: Internal/Beta