
API: Internal/Stable

A Gift along with the criteria for which that can Gifts.claimGift this

data class GiftWithCriteria(
    val id: Long,
    val resourcesOwnedBy: String,
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val resources: List<GrantApplication.AllocationRequest>,
    val renewEvery: Int,
    val criteria: List<UserCriteria>,
id: Long
resourcesOwnedBy: String A reference to the project which owns these resources
title: String The title of a gift

Suitable for presentation in UIs

description: String The title of a gift

Suitable for presentation in UIs

resources: List<GrantApplication.AllocationRequest> A list of resources which will be granted to users `Gifts.claimGift` this `Gift`.
renewEvery: Int Renewal policy for the gift
criteria: List<UserCriteria>