
API: Internal/Beta

Metadata associated with an Application

data class ApplicationMetadata(
    val name: String,
    val version: String,
    val authors: List<String>,
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val website: String?,
    val public: Boolean,
    val flavorName: String?,
    val group: ApplicationGroup?,
    val createdAt: Long?,
    val isPublic: Boolean,

The metadata describes information mostly useful for presentation purposes. The only exception are name and version which are (also) used as identifiers.

name: String A stable identifier for this Application's name
version: String A stable identifier for this Application's version
authors: List<String> A list of authors
title: String A (non-stable) title for this Application, used for presentation
description: String A markdown document describing this Application
website: String? An absolute URL which points to further information about the Application
public: Boolean A flag which describes if this Application is publicly accessible
flavorName: String? Name of the Application within the ApplicationGroup. If not defined, the title will be used.
group: ApplicationGroup? The ApplicationGroup of the Application
createdAt: Long?
isPublic: Boolean

Deprecated: Yes