Using uv in JupyterLab

After launching JupyterLab on UCloud, a uv virtual environment can be set up by opening a terminal and following the procedure described in Setting up uv on UCloud.

A new Jupyter kernel corresponding to the uv environment can be added via the command line:

$ source my-name/bin/activate
$ uv pip install ipykernel
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name my-name --display-name "Python (uv Env)"

Automated Setup

A new kernel can also be registered during job startup using the Initialization parameter. Below a minimal working script example:


# Create a new uv virtual environment
uv venv my-name

# Activate the env
source my-name/bin/activate

# Install ipykernel and your desired packages in the uv environment
uv pip install ipykernel numpy scipy

# Register the environment as a JupyterLab kernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --display-name "uv Env"

# Deactivate it


When using a uv environment name and path other than /work/.venv, it is necessary to set in the notebook the VIRTUAL_ENV variable after starting the new uv kernel:

%set_env VIRTUAL_ENV=/work/my-name