Example: Simple batch application

Frequency of useCommon
  • An authenticated user (user)
Communication Flow: Kotlin
/* Applications contain quite a lot of information. The most important pieces of information are
summarized below:

- This Job will run a `BATCH` application
  - See `invocation.applicationType`
- The application should launch the `acme/batch:1.0.0` container
  - `invocation.tool.tool.description.backend`
  - `invocation.tool.tool.description.image`
- The command-line invocation will look like this: `acme-batch --debug "Hello, World!"`. 
  - The invocation is created from `invocation.invocation`
  - With parameters defined in `invocation.parameters` */

        appName = "acme-batch", 
        appVersion = "1.0.0", 

    favorite = false, 
    invocation = ApplicationInvocationDescription(
        allowAdditionalMounts = null, 
        allowAdditionalPeers = null, 
        allowMultiNode = false, 
        allowPublicIp = false, 
        allowPublicLink = null, 
        applicationType = ApplicationType.BATCH, 
        container = null, 
        environment = null, 
        fileExtensions = emptyList(), 
        invocation = listOf(WordInvocationParameter(
            word = "acme-batch", 
        ), VariableInvocationParameter(
            isPrefixVariablePartOfArg = false, 
            isSuffixVariablePartOfArg = false, 
            prefixGlobal = "--debug ", 
            prefixVariable = "", 
            suffixGlobal = "", 
            suffixVariable = "", 
            variableNames = listOf("debug"), 
        ), VariableInvocationParameter(
            isPrefixVariablePartOfArg = false, 
            isSuffixVariablePartOfArg = false, 
            prefixGlobal = "", 
            prefixVariable = "", 
            suffixGlobal = "", 
            suffixVariable = "", 
            variableNames = listOf("value"), 
        licenseServers = emptyList(), 
        modules = null, 
        outputFileGlobs = listOf("*"), 
        parameters = listOf(ApplicationParameter.Bool(
            defaultValue = null, 
            description = "Should debug be enabled?", 
            falseValue = "false", 
            name = "debug", 
            optional = false, 
            title = "", 
            trueValue = "true", 
        ), ApplicationParameter.Text(
            defaultValue = null, 
            description = "The value for the batch application", 
            name = "value", 
            optional = false, 
            title = "", 
        shouldAllowAdditionalMounts = false, 
        shouldAllowAdditionalPeers = true, 
        ssh = null, 
        tool = ToolReference(
            name = "acme-batch", 
            tool = Tool(
                createdAt = 1633329776235, 
                description = NormalizedToolDescription(
                    authors = listOf("UCloud"), 
                    backend = ToolBackend.DOCKER, 
                    container = null, 
                    defaultNumberOfNodes = 1, 
                    defaultTimeAllocation = SimpleDuration(
                        hours = 1, 
                        minutes = 0, 
                        seconds = 0, 
                    description = "An example tool", 
                    image = "acme/batch:1.0.0", 
                    info = NameAndVersion(
                        name = "acme-batch", 
                        version = "1.0.0", 
                    license = "None", 
                    requiredModules = emptyList(), 
                    supportedProviders = null, 
                    title = "Acme batch", 
                modifiedAt = 1633329776235, 
                owner = "_ucloud", 
            version = "1.0.0", 
        vnc = null, 
        web = null, 
    metadata = ApplicationMetadata(
        authors = listOf("UCloud"), 
        createdAt = 1717663228341, 
        description = "An example application", 
        flavorName = null, 
        group = ApplicationGroup(
            metadata = ApplicationGroup.Metadata(
                id = 0, 
            specification = ApplicationGroup.Specification(
                categories = emptySet(), 
                colorReplacement = ApplicationGroup.ColorReplacements(
                    dark = null, 
                    light = null, 
                defaultFlavor = null, 
                description = "", 
                logoHasText = false, 
                title = "Test Group", 
            status = ApplicationGroup.Status(
                applications = null, 
        isPublic = true, 
        name = "acme-batch", 
        public = true, 
        title = "Acme batch", 
        version = "1.0.0", 
        website = null, 
    tags = emptyList(), 
Communication Flow: Curl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $host is the UCloud instance to contact. Example: 'http://localhost:8080' or 'https://cloud.sdu.dk'
# $accessToken is a valid access-token issued by UCloud
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Applications contain quite a lot of information. The most important pieces of information are
# summarized below:
# - This Job will run a `BATCH` application
#   - See `invocation.applicationType`
# - The application should launch the `acme/batch:1.0.0` container
#   - `invocation.tool.tool.description.backend`
#   - `invocation.tool.tool.description.image`
# - The command-line invocation will look like this: `acme-batch --debug "Hello, World!"`. 
#   - The invocation is created from `invocation.invocation`
#   - With parameters defined in `invocation.parameters`

# Authenticated as user
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/hpc/apps/byNameAndVersion?appName=acme-batch&appVersion=1.0.0" 

# {
#     "metadata": {
#         "name": "acme-batch",
#         "version": "1.0.0",
#         "authors": [
#             "UCloud"
#         ],
#         "title": "Acme batch",
#         "description": "An example application",
#         "website": null,
#         "public": true,
#         "flavorName": null,
#         "group": {
#             "metadata": {
#                 "id": 0
#             },
#             "specification": {
#                 "title": "Test Group",
#                 "description": "",
#                 "defaultFlavor": null,
#                 "categories": [
#                 ],
#                 "colorReplacement": {
#                     "light": null,
#                     "dark": null
#                 },
#                 "logoHasText": false
#             },
#             "status": {
#                 "applications": null
#             }
#         },
#         "createdAt": 1717663228341
#     },
#     "invocation": {
#         "tool": {
#             "name": "acme-batch",
#             "version": "1.0.0",
#             "tool": {
#                 "owner": "_ucloud",
#                 "createdAt": 1633329776235,
#                 "modifiedAt": 1633329776235,
#                 "description": {
#                     "info": {
#                         "name": "acme-batch",
#                         "version": "1.0.0"
#                     },
#                     "container": null,
#                     "defaultNumberOfNodes": 1,
#                     "defaultTimeAllocation": {
#                         "hours": 1,
#                         "minutes": 0,
#                         "seconds": 0
#                     },
#                     "requiredModules": [
#                     ],
#                     "authors": [
#                         "UCloud"
#                     ],
#                     "title": "Acme batch",
#                     "description": "An example tool",
#                     "backend": "DOCKER",
#                     "license": "None",
#                     "image": "acme/batch:1.0.0",
#                     "supportedProviders": null
#                 }
#             }
#         },
#         "invocation": [
#             {
#                 "type": "word",
#                 "word": "acme-batch"
#             },
#             {
#                 "type": "var",
#                 "variableNames": [
#                     "debug"
#                 ],
#                 "prefixGlobal": "--debug ",
#                 "suffixGlobal": "",
#                 "prefixVariable": "",
#                 "suffixVariable": "",
#                 "isPrefixVariablePartOfArg": false,
#                 "isSuffixVariablePartOfArg": false
#             },
#             {
#                 "type": "var",
#                 "variableNames": [
#                     "value"
#                 ],
#                 "prefixGlobal": "",
#                 "suffixGlobal": "",
#                 "prefixVariable": "",
#                 "suffixVariable": "",
#                 "isPrefixVariablePartOfArg": false,
#                 "isSuffixVariablePartOfArg": false
#             }
#         ],
#         "parameters": [
#             {
#                 "type": "boolean",
#                 "name": "debug",
#                 "optional": false,
#                 "defaultValue": null,
#                 "title": "",
#                 "description": "Should debug be enabled?",
#                 "trueValue": "true",
#                 "falseValue": "false"
#             },
#             {
#                 "type": "text",
#                 "name": "value",
#                 "optional": false,
#                 "defaultValue": null,
#                 "title": "",
#                 "description": "The value for the batch application"
#             }
#         ],
#         "outputFileGlobs": [
#             "*"
#         ],
#         "applicationType": "BATCH",
#         "vnc": null,
#         "web": null,
#         "ssh": null,
#         "container": null,
#         "environment": null,
#         "allowAdditionalMounts": null,
#         "allowAdditionalPeers": null,
#         "allowMultiNode": false,
#         "allowPublicIp": false,
#         "allowPublicLink": null,
#         "fileExtensions": [
#         ],
#         "licenseServers": [
#         ],
#         "modules": null
#     },
#     "favorite": false,
#     "tags": [
#     ]
# }
Communication Flow: Visual