Example: Sensitivity Document¶
Frequency of use | Common |
Actors |
Communication Flow: Kotlin
/* In this example, we will show how to create a metadata document and attach it to a file. */
/* We already have a metadata template in the catalog: */
id = "15123",
changeLog = "Initial version",
createdAt = 0,
description = "File sensitivity for files",
inheritable = true,
namespaceId = "sensitivity",
namespaceName = null,
namespaceType = FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType.COLLABORATORS,
requireApproval = true,
schema = JsonObject(mapOf("type" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "object",
isString = true,
)),"title" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "UCloud File Sensitivity",
isString = true,
)),"required" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "sensitivity",
isString = true,
))),"properties" to JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonObject(mapOf("enum" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "SENSITIVE",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "CONFIDENTIAL",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "PRIVATE",
isString = true,
))),"type" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "string",
isString = true,
)),"title" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "File Sensitivity",
isString = true,
)),"enumNames" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "Sensitive",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "Confidential",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "Private",
isString = true,
))),))),))),"dependencies" to JsonObject(mapOf())),)),
title = "Sensitivity",
uiSchema = JsonObject(mapOf("ui:order" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "sensitivity",
isString = true,
version = "1.0.0",
/* Using this, we can create a metadata document and attach it to our file */
fileId = "/51231/my/file",
metadata = FileMetadataDocument.Spec(
changeLog = "New sensitivity",
document = JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "SENSITIVE",
isString = true,
templateId = "15123",
version = "1.0.0",
responses = listOf(FindByStringId(
id = "651233",
/* This specific template requires approval from a workspace admin. We can do this by calling approve. */
id = "651233",
/* We can view the metadata by adding includeMetadata = true when requesting any file */
flags = UFileIncludeFlags(
allowUnsupportedInclude = null,
filterByFileExtension = null,
filterCreatedAfter = null,
filterCreatedBefore = null,
filterCreatedBy = null,
filterHiddenFiles = false,
filterIds = null,
filterProductCategory = null,
filterProductId = null,
filterProvider = null,
filterProviderIds = null,
hideProductCategory = null,
hideProductId = null,
hideProvider = null,
includeMetadata = true,
includeOthers = false,
includePermissions = null,
includeProduct = false,
includeSizes = null,
includeSupport = false,
includeTimestamps = null,
includeUnixInfo = null,
includeUpdates = false,
path = null,
id = "51231",
createdAt = 1635151675465,
id = "/51231/my/file",
owner = ResourceOwner(
createdBy = "user",
project = null,
permissions = ResourcePermissions(
myself = listOf(Permission.ADMIN),
others = emptyList(),
specification = UFileSpecification(
collection = "51231",
product = ProductReference(
category = "example-ssd",
id = "example-ssd",
provider = "example",
status = UFileStatus(
accessedAt = null,
icon = null,
metadata = FileMetadataHistory(
metadata = mapOf("sensitivity" to listOf(FileMetadataDocument(
createdAt = 1635151675465,
createdBy = "user",
id = "651233",
specification = FileMetadataDocument.Spec(
changeLog = "New sensitivity",
document = JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "SENSITIVE",
isString = true,
templateId = "15123",
version = "1.0.0",
status = FileMetadataDocument.Status(
approval = FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus.Approved(
approvedBy = "user",
templates = mapOf("sensitivity" to FileMetadataTemplate(
changeLog = "Initial version",
createdAt = 0,
description = "File sensitivity for files",
inheritable = true,
namespaceId = "sensitivity",
namespaceName = null,
namespaceType = FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType.COLLABORATORS,
requireApproval = true,
schema = JsonObject(mapOf("type" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "object",
isString = true,
)),"title" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "UCloud File Sensitivity",
isString = true,
)),"required" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "sensitivity",
isString = true,
))),"properties" to JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonObject(mapOf("enum" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "SENSITIVE",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "CONFIDENTIAL",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "PRIVATE",
isString = true,
))),"type" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "string",
isString = true,
)),"title" to JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "File Sensitivity",
isString = true,
)),"enumNames" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "Sensitive",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "Confidential",
isString = true,
), JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "Private",
isString = true,
))),))),))),"dependencies" to JsonObject(mapOf())),)),
title = "Sensitivity",
uiSchema = JsonObject(mapOf("ui:order" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
coerceToInlineType = null,
content = "sensitivity",
isString = true,
version = "1.0.0",
modifiedAt = null,
resolvedProduct = null,
resolvedSupport = null,
sizeInBytes = null,
sizeIncludingChildrenInBytes = null,
type = FileType.FILE,
unixGroup = null,
unixMode = null,
unixOwner = null,
updates = emptyList(),
providerGeneratedId = "/51231/my/file",
Communication Flow: Curl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $host is the UCloud instance to contact. Example: 'http://localhost:8080' or 'https://cloud.sdu.dk'
# $accessToken is a valid access-token issued by UCloud
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# In this example, we will show how to create a metadata document and attach it to a file.
# We already have a metadata template in the catalog:
# Authenticated as user
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/files/metadataTemplates/retrieveLatest?id=15123"
# {
# "namespaceId": "sensitivity",
# "title": "Sensitivity",
# "version": "1.0.0",
# "schema": {
# "type": "object",
# "title": "UCloud File Sensitivity",
# "required": [
# "sensitivity"
# ],
# "properties": {
# "sensitivity": {
# "enum": [
# ],
# "type": "string",
# "title": "File Sensitivity",
# "enumNames": [
# "Sensitive",
# "Confidential",
# "Private"
# ]
# }
# },
# "dependencies": {
# }
# },
# "inheritable": true,
# "requireApproval": true,
# "description": "File sensitivity for files",
# "changeLog": "Initial version",
# "namespaceType": "COLLABORATORS",
# "uiSchema": {
# "ui:order": [
# "sensitivity"
# ]
# },
# "namespaceName": null,
# "createdAt": 0
# }
# Using this, we can create a metadata document and attach it to our file
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -H "Content-Type: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "$host/api/files/metadata" -d '{
"items": [
"fileId": "/51231/my/file",
"metadata": {
"templateId": "15123",
"version": "1.0.0",
"document": {
"sensitivity": "SENSITIVE"
"changeLog": "New sensitivity"
# {
# "responses": [
# {
# "id": "651233"
# }
# ]
# }
# This specific template requires approval from a workspace admin. We can do this by calling approve.
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -H "Content-Type: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "$host/api/files/metadata/approve" -d '{
"items": [
"id": "651233"
# {
# }
# We can view the metadata by adding includeMetadata = true when requesting any file
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/files/retrieve?includeOthers=false&includeUpdates=false&includeSupport=false&includeProduct=false&includeMetadata=true&filterHiddenFiles=false&id=51231"
# {
# "id": "/51231/my/file",
# "specification": {
# "collection": "51231",
# "product": {
# "id": "example-ssd",
# "category": "example-ssd",
# "provider": "example"
# }
# },
# "createdAt": 1635151675465,
# "status": {
# "type": "FILE",
# "icon": null,
# "sizeInBytes": null,
# "sizeIncludingChildrenInBytes": null,
# "modifiedAt": null,
# "accessedAt": null,
# "unixMode": null,
# "unixOwner": null,
# "unixGroup": null,
# "metadata": {
# "templates": {
# "sensitivity": {
# "namespaceId": "sensitivity",
# "title": "Sensitivity",
# "version": "1.0.0",
# "schema": {
# "type": "object",
# "title": "UCloud File Sensitivity",
# "required": [
# "sensitivity"
# ],
# "properties": {
# "sensitivity": {
# "enum": [
# ],
# "type": "string",
# "title": "File Sensitivity",
# "enumNames": [
# "Sensitive",
# "Confidential",
# "Private"
# ]
# }
# },
# "dependencies": {
# }
# },
# "inheritable": true,
# "requireApproval": true,
# "description": "File sensitivity for files",
# "changeLog": "Initial version",
# "namespaceType": "COLLABORATORS",
# "uiSchema": {
# "ui:order": [
# "sensitivity"
# ]
# },
# "namespaceName": null,
# "createdAt": 0
# }
# },
# "metadata": {
# "sensitivity": [
# {
# "type": "metadata",
# "id": "651233",
# "specification": {
# "templateId": "15123",
# "version": "1.0.0",
# "document": {
# "sensitivity": "SENSITIVE"
# },
# "changeLog": "New sensitivity"
# },
# "createdAt": 1635151675465,
# "status": {
# "approval": {
# "type": "approved",
# "approvedBy": "user"
# }
# },
# "createdBy": "user"
# }
# ]
# }
# },
# "resolvedSupport": null,
# "resolvedProduct": null
# },
# "owner": {
# "createdBy": "user",
# "project": null
# },
# "permissions": {
# "myself": [
# ],
# "others": [
# ]
# },
# "updates": [
# ]
# }