Configures the HTTP backend for this call.

Fields Mandatory Description
method ❌ No
Default: HttpMethod.GET
HTTP method used for this call
path ✅ Yes Configures the path segment of the URL, i.e. where this call should listen
params ❌ No Configures the parameters segment of the URL
headers ❌ No Configures how HTTP Request headers affect this request
body ❌ No Configures how HTTP request body affect this request


Defines how the message should be parsed from the path.

Function Description
using(baseContext: String) Defines the path prefix, commonly used to define a shared prefix in a call description container
+"segment" Adds a new fixed path segment
+boundTo(prop) binds the value to prop


Defines how the message should be parsed from the URL parameters.

Function Description
+boundTo(prop) Binds to a parameter (called by the exact name of the property)


Defines how the message should be parsed from the HTTP request headers.

Function Description
+("Header" to "Value") Requires the "Header" to have a fixed value of "Value"
+"Header" Requires the "Header" to be present (any value accepted)
+boundTo(header: String, prop) Binds the header to prop

Note: When using the boundTo() function, header values will be serialized and deserialized as Base64. This is done to ensure that any value can be put into the header safely.


Defines how the message should be parsed from the HTTP request body. At the moment this will only read JSON messages.

Function Description
bindEntireRequestFromBody() Reads the full request type via the body
bindToSubProperty(prop) Reads the request body and binds it to a sub-property of the request type


Example: POST request with entire request in body

http {
    method = HttpMethod.Post

    path {
        using(baseContext) // baseContext = "/api/avatar"

    body { bindEntireRequestFromBody() }

The above RPC will listen on POST /api/avatar/update.

Example: GET request with pagination

data class ListActivityByPathRequest(
    val path: String,
    override val itemsPerPage: Int?,
    override val page: Int?
) : WithPaginationRequest

http {
    path {

    params {

Example: File upload with metadata passed in headers

data class UploadApplicationLogoRequest(
    val name: String,
    val data: BinaryStream

http {
    method = HttpMethod.Post

    path {

    headers {
        +boundTo("Upload-Name", UploadApplicationLogoRequest::name)

    body {

Example: Reading parameters from the path segment

data class FindByStringId(val id: String)

http {
    method = HttpMethod.Get

    path {