
Serialization in UCloud is provided by the kotlinx.serialization library.

A pre-configured serialization object available in service-lib and is exported as defaultMapper in the package. The defaultMapper uses JSON as its data format. This mapper uses the following configuration:

  • Unknown properties are allowed

  • The mapper is configured to be as lenient as possible

The reason for this configuration is to be as relaxed as possible in order to improve backwards-compatibility.

Sealed Classes

For a variety of reasons, including security, is generally not recommended that you use large class-hierarchies for request/response types. The one exception to this rule is sealed classes. This introduces a problem on the client-side of how to determine the correct type. To solve this problem, you must add annotations to the sealed class which tell Jackson to annotate the resulting JSON with a new key-value pair which include a type-hint.


Example: Using serializable sealed classes

sealed class LongRunningResponse<T> {
    data class Timeout<T>(
        val why: String = "The operation has timed out and will continue in the background"
    ) : LongRunningResponse<T>()

    data class Result<T>(
        val item: T
    ) : LongRunningResponse<T>()

Example: Using the defaultMapper instance to parse a JSON object

val result = defaultMapper.decodeFromString(PageV2.serializer(Tool.serializer()), jsonText)

Example: Using the defaultMapper instance to serialize an object to JSON text

defaultMapper.encodeToString(Project.serializer(), project)