User Creation

API: Internal/Beta

Users form the basis of all authentication in UCloud.


Users in UCloud are authenticated in one of two ways:

  1. WAYF: The user is created on first login by using their login credentials from WAYF (Where Are You From) which is a identity federation allowing the reuse of logins from most danish and north atlantic research and education centers on external sites.

  2. PASSWORD: The users is created by an ADMIN of the system. This is mainly used to give access to people outside WAYF. When a user is a PASSWORD user then there is also a requirement of 2FA. The 2FA is setup after first login.

Each user has a role defining their privileges on the UCloud system. See Role for more details.

⚠️ WARNING: The API listed on this page will likely change to conform with our API conventions. Be careful when building integrations. The following changes are expected:

  • RPC names will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPC request and response types will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPCs which return a page will be collapsed into a single browse endpoint

  • Some property names will change to be consistent with Resources

Table of Contents

1. Remote Procedure Calls
Name Description
getUserInfo Request information about the current user.
lookupEmail Request the email of a user.
lookupUserWithEmail No description
lookupUsers No description
retrievePrincipal No description
changePassword Request change of the password of the current user (if [`PASSWORD`](/docs/reference/ user).
changePasswordWithReset Request reset of password of a [`PASSWORD`](/docs/reference/ user.
closeIterator No description
createNewUser Request creation of a new [`PASSWORD`](/docs/reference/ user.
fetchNextIterator No description
openUserIterator No description
updateUserInfo Request update of information about the current user.
2. Data Models
Name Description
AuthenticationTokens No description
Person No description
Person.ByPassword No description
Person.ByWAYF No description
Principal No description
ProviderPrincipal No description
ServicePrincipal No description
UserLookup No description
ChangePasswordRequest No description
ChangePasswordWithResetRequest No description
CreateSingleUserRequest No description
GetPrincipalRequest No description
LookupEmailRequest No description
LookupUserWithEmailRequest No description
LookupUsersRequest No description
UpdateUserInfoRequest No description
GetUserInfoResponse No description
LookupEmailResponse No description
LookupUserWithEmailResponse No description
LookupUsersResponse No description

Remote Procedure Calls


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request information about the current user.

Request Response Error
Unit GetUserInfoResponse CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request the email of a user.

Request Response Error
LookupEmailRequest LookupEmailResponse CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request Response Error
LookupUserWithEmailRequest LookupUserWithEmailResponse CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request Response Error
LookupUsersRequest LookupUsersResponse CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request Response Error
GetPrincipalRequest Principal CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request change of the password of the current user (if PASSWORD user).

Request Response Error
ChangePasswordRequest Unit CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request reset of password of a PASSWORD user.

Request Response Error
ChangePasswordWithResetRequest Unit CommonErrorMessage

This request can only be called by other services, and is used by the PasswordResetService to reset a user’s password in case they are unable to log in. Read more in Password Reset.


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request Response Error
FindByStringId Unit CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request creation of a new PASSWORD user.

Request Response Error
List<CreateSingleUserRequest> List<AuthenticationTokens> CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request Response Error
FindByStringId List<Principal> CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Services

Request Response Error
Unit FindByStringId CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request update of information about the current user.

Request Response Error
UpdateUserInfoRequest Unit CommonErrorMessage

Data Models


API: Internal/Beta

data class AuthenticationTokens(
    val accessToken: String,
    val refreshToken: String,
    val csrfToken: String,
accessToken: String
refreshToken: String
csrfToken: String


API: Internal/Beta

sealed class Person {
    abstract val displayName: String
    abstract val email: String?
    abstract val firstNames: String
    abstract val lastName: String
    abstract val orcId: String?
    abstract val phoneNumber: String?
    abstract val serviceLicenseAgreement: Int
    abstract val title: String?
    abstract val twoFactorAuthentication: Boolean
    abstract val id: String
    abstract val role: Role

    class ByPassword : Person()
    class ByWAYF : Person()
displayName: String
email: String?
firstNames: String
lastName: String
orcId: String?
phoneNumber: String?
serviceLicenseAgreement: Int
title: String?
twoFactorAuthentication: Boolean
id: String
role: Role


API: Internal/Beta

data class ByPassword(
    val id: String,
    val role: Role,
    val title: String?,
    val firstNames: String,
    val lastName: String,
    val phoneNumber: String?,
    val orcId: String?,
    val email: String?,
    val twoFactorAuthentication: Boolean,
    val serviceLicenseAgreement: Int,
    val organizationId: String?,
    val password: List<Byte>?,
    val salt: List<Byte>?,
    val displayName: String,
    val type: String /* "password" */,
id: String
role: Role
title: String?
firstNames: String
lastName: String
phoneNumber: String?
orcId: String?
email: String?
twoFactorAuthentication: Boolean
serviceLicenseAgreement: Int
organizationId: String?
password: List<Byte>?
salt: List<Byte>?
displayName: String
type: String /* "password" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Internal/Beta

data class ByWAYF(
    val id: String,
    val role: Role,
    val title: String?,
    val firstNames: String,
    val lastName: String,
    val phoneNumber: String?,
    val orcId: String?,
    val email: String?,
    val serviceLicenseAgreement: Int,
    val organizationId: String,
    val wayfId: String,
    val displayName: String,
    val twoFactorAuthentication: Boolean,
    val type: String /* "wayf" */,
id: String
role: Role
title: String?
firstNames: String
lastName: String
phoneNumber: String?
orcId: String?
email: String?
serviceLicenseAgreement: Int
organizationId: String
wayfId: String
displayName: String
twoFactorAuthentication: Boolean
type: String /* "wayf" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Internal/Beta

sealed class Principal {
    abstract val id: String
    abstract val role: Role

    class Person : Principal()
    class ProviderPrincipal : Principal()
    class ServicePrincipal : Principal()
id: String
role: Role


API: Internal/Beta

data class ProviderPrincipal(
    val id: String,
    val role: Role,
    val type: String /* "provider" */,
id: String
role: Role
type: String /* "provider" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Internal/Beta

data class ServicePrincipal(
    val id: String,
    val role: Role,
    val type: String /* "service" */,
id: String
role: Role
type: String /* "service" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Internal/Beta

data class UserLookup(
    val subject: String,
    val role: Role,
subject: String
role: Role


API: Internal/Beta

data class ChangePasswordRequest(
    val currentPassword: String,
    val newPassword: String,
currentPassword: String
newPassword: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class ChangePasswordWithResetRequest(
    val userId: String,
    val newPassword: String,
userId: String
newPassword: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class CreateSingleUserRequest(
    val username: String,
    val password: String?,
    val email: String?,
    val role: Role?,
    val firstnames: String?,
    val lastname: String?,
    val orgId: String?,
username: String
password: String?
email: String?
role: Role?
firstnames: String?
lastname: String?
orgId: String?


API: Internal/Beta

data class GetPrincipalRequest(
    val username: String,
username: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class LookupEmailRequest(
    val userId: String,
userId: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class LookupUserWithEmailRequest(
    val email: String,
email: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class LookupUsersRequest(
    val users: List<String>,
users: List<String>


API: Internal/Beta

data class UpdateUserInfoRequest(
    val email: String?,
    val firstNames: String?,
    val lastName: String?,
email: String?
firstNames: String?
lastName: String?


API: Internal/Beta

data class GetUserInfoResponse(
    val email: String?,
    val firstNames: String?,
    val lastName: String?,
email: String?
firstNames: String?
lastName: String?


API: Internal/Beta

data class LookupEmailResponse(
    val email: String,
email: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class LookupUserWithEmailResponse(
    val userId: String,
    val firstNames: String,
    val lastName: String,
userId: String
firstNames: String
lastName: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class LookupUsersResponse(
    val results: JsonObject,
results: JsonObject