
API: Internal/Stable

Provides user avatars. User avatars are provided by the https://avataaars.com/ library.


All users have an avatar associated with them. A default avatar will be returned if one is not found in the database. As a result, this service does not need to listen for user created events.

The avatar are mainly used as a way for users to easier distinguish between different users when sharing or working in projects.

⚠️ WARNING: The API listed on this page will likely change to conform with our API conventions. Be careful when building integrations. The following changes are expected:

  • RPC names will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPC request and response types will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPCs which return a page will be collapsed into a single browse endpoint

  • Some property names will change to be consistent with Resources

Table of Contents

1. Remote Procedure Calls
Name Description
findAvatar Request the avatar of the current user.
findBulk Request the avatars of one or more users by username.
update Update the avatar of the current user.
2. Data Models
Name Description
SerializedAvatar No description
FindBulkRequest No description
FindBulkResponse No description

Remote Procedure Calls


API: Internal/Stable Auth: Users

Request the avatar of the current user.

Request Response Error
Unit SerializedAvatar CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Stable Auth: Authenticated

Request the avatars of one or more users by username.

Request Response Error
FindBulkRequest FindBulkResponse CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Stable Auth: Users

Update the avatar of the current user.

Request Response Error
SerializedAvatar Unit CommonErrorMessage

Data Models


API: Internal/Stable

data class SerializedAvatar(
    val top: String,
    val topAccessory: String,
    val hairColor: String,
    val facialHair: String,
    val facialHairColor: String,
    val clothes: String,
    val colorFabric: String,
    val eyes: String,
    val eyebrows: String,
    val mouthTypes: String,
    val skinColors: String,
    val clothesGraphic: String,
    val hatColor: String,
top: String
topAccessory: String
hairColor: String
facialHair: String
facialHairColor: String
clothes: String
colorFabric: String
eyes: String
eyebrows: String
mouthTypes: String
skinColors: String
clothesGraphic: String
hatColor: String


API: Internal/Stable

data class FindBulkRequest(
    val usernames: List<String>,
usernames: List<String>


API: Internal/Stable

data class FindBulkResponse(
    val avatars: JsonObject,
avatars: JsonObject