
API: Internal/Stable


Auditing is automatically performed for all HTTP calls implemented via the implement DSL. If you have written a callDescription then auditing is entirely automatic. There are, however, a few cases you need to be aware of. We outline the most important things in this document.

How Does It Work?

The auditing feature is written as a piece of middleware for ktor. It logs all calls made to the backend. It is further enriched by metadata provided by the callDescription.

The resulting audit log is dispatched to the event stream in two different topics.

The topic http.logs contains the audit log of all services. These audit logs are consumed and pushed into Elasticsearch for storage. If breaking changes are made to the underlying audit messages then the Elasticsearch indexes may break. This can potentially cause messages to no longer reach Elasticsearch (and get stuck at the Logstash step). Because of this, it is important that breaking changes are not made without manual migration. This is also mentioned in the deployment checklist.

Additionally, there is an audit topic for each namespace. Services may consume from this topic to build services for advanced monitoring. The topics are named audit.<namespace>.

The following information audited for each request (See the source code in service-lib for the most up-to-date version):

data class ServiceDefinition(
    val name: String,
    val version: String

data class ServiceInstance(
    val definition: ServiceDefinition,
    val hostname: String,
    val port: Int,
    val ipAddress: String? = null

data class SecurityPrincipalToken(
    val principal: SecurityPrincipal,
    val scopes: List<SecurityScope>,
    val issuedAt: Long,
    val expiresAt: Long,
    val publicSessionReference: String?,
    val extendedBy: String? = null,
    val extendedByChain: List<String> = emptyList()

data class HttpCallLogEntry(
    val jobId: String,
    val handledBy: ServiceInstance,
    val causedBy: String?,

    val requestName: String,
    val userAgent: String?,
    val remoteOrigin: String,

    val token: SecurityPrincipalToken?,

    val requestSize: Long,
    val requestJson: JsonElement?,

    val responseCode: Int,
    val responseTime: Long,

    val expiry: Long,

    val project: String?

Dealing With Sensitive Request Data

In this section, “sensitive data” is any kind of data which shouldn’t be accessible through the audit logs. It may include any kind of data that would by law be classified as sensitive, but it may also contain other types of data.

We don’t want sensitive data in our logs. The audit log should allow us to clearly audit the actions of a user, but it should not contain sensitive data, such as passwords. If you are writing a call which will need to accept sensitive data you need to declare an alternative request type which has this sensitive data redacted.

In the call description you should add:


It other cases the request type itself might not contain enough information to be useful. In these cases you should also use audit() to ensure that additional useful information is attached to the audit message.

Verification Procedure

The following document describes how to verify that auditing works as intended: Auditing Scenario.