
API: Stable

Products define the services exposed by a Provider.

sealed class ProductV2 {
    abstract val category: ProductCategory
    abstract val description: String
    abstract val hiddenInGrantApplications: Boolean
    abstract val name: String
    abstract val price: Long
    abstract val productType: ProductType
    abstract val usage: Long?

    class Compute : ProductV2()
    class Ingress : ProductV2()
    class License : ProductV2()
    class NetworkIP : ProductV2()
    class Storage : ProductV2()

For more information see this page.

category: ProductCategory The category groups similar products together, it also defines which provider owns the product

API: Internal/Beta

description: String A short (single-line) description of the Product

API: Internal/Beta

hiddenInGrantApplications: Boolean Flag to indicate that this Product is not publicly available

API: Internal/Beta

⚠️ WARNING: This doesn’t make the Product secret. In only hides the Product from the grant system’s UI.

name: String A unique name associated with this Product

API: Internal/Beta

price: Long Price is for usage of a single product in the accountingFrequency period specified by the product category.

API: Internal/Beta

productType: ProductType Classifier used to explain the type of Product

API: Internal/Beta

usage: Long? Included only with certain endpoints which support `includeBalance`

API: Internal/Beta