Example: Charging a leaf allocation (Differential)

Frequency of useCommon
  • The UCloud/Core service user (ucloud)
  • The PI of the root project (piRoot)
  • The PI of the leaf project (piLeaf)
Communication Flow: Kotlin
/* In this example, we will show how a charge affects the rest of the allocation hierarchy. The 
hierarchy we use consists of a single root allocation. The root allocation has a single child, 
which we will be referring to as the leaf, since it has no children. */

        consistency = null, 
        filterType = null, 
        itemsPerPage = null, 
        itemsToSkip = null, 
        next = null, 

    items = listOf(Wallet(
        allocations = listOf(WalletAllocation(
            allocationPath = listOf("42"), 
            allowSubAllocationsToAllocate = true, 
            balance = 1000, 
            canAllocate = false, 
            endDate = null, 
            grantedIn = 1, 
            id = "42", 
            initialBalance = 1000, 
            localBalance = 1000, 
            startDate = 1633941615074, 
        chargePolicy = AllocationSelectorPolicy.EXPIRE_FIRST, 
        chargeType = ChargeType.DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA, 
        owner = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "root-project", 
        paysFor = ProductCategoryId(
            id = "example-storage", 
            name = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        productType = ProductType.STORAGE, 
        unit = ProductPriceUnit.PER_UNIT, 
    itemsPerPage = 50, 
    next = null, 
        consistency = null, 
        filterType = null, 
        itemsPerPage = null, 
        itemsToSkip = null, 
        next = null, 

    items = listOf(Wallet(
        allocations = listOf(WalletAllocation(
            allocationPath = listOf("42", "52"), 
            allowSubAllocationsToAllocate = true, 
            balance = 500, 
            canAllocate = false, 
            endDate = null, 
            grantedIn = 1, 
            id = "52", 
            initialBalance = 500, 
            localBalance = 500, 
            startDate = 1633941615074, 
        chargePolicy = AllocationSelectorPolicy.EXPIRE_FIRST, 
        chargeType = ChargeType.DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA, 
        owner = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "leaf-project", 
        paysFor = ProductCategoryId(
            id = "example-storage", 
            name = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        productType = ProductType.STORAGE, 
        unit = ProductPriceUnit.PER_UNIT, 
    itemsPerPage = 50, 
    next = null, 

/* As we can see, in our initial state, the root has 1000 GB remaining and the leaf has 500. */

/* We now perform our charge of 100 GB on the leaf. */

        description = "A charge for compute usage", 
        payer = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "leaf-project", 
        performedBy = "user", 
        periods = 1, 
        product = ProductReference(
            category = "example-storage", 
            id = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        transactionId = "charge-1", 
        units = 100, 

    responses = listOf(true), 

/* The response, as expected, that we had enough credits for the transaction. This would have been 
false if _any_ of the allocation in the hierarchy runs out of credits. */

        consistency = null, 
        filterType = null, 
        itemsPerPage = null, 
        itemsToSkip = null, 
        next = null, 

    items = listOf(Wallet(
        allocations = listOf(WalletAllocation(
            allocationPath = listOf("42"), 
            allowSubAllocationsToAllocate = true, 
            balance = 900, 
            canAllocate = false, 
            endDate = null, 
            grantedIn = 1, 
            id = "42", 
            initialBalance = 1000, 
            localBalance = 1000, 
            startDate = 1633941615074, 
        chargePolicy = AllocationSelectorPolicy.EXPIRE_FIRST, 
        chargeType = ChargeType.DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA, 
        owner = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "root-project", 
        paysFor = ProductCategoryId(
            id = "example-storage", 
            name = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        productType = ProductType.STORAGE, 
        unit = ProductPriceUnit.PER_UNIT, 
    itemsPerPage = 50, 
    next = null, 

/* On the root allocation, we see that this has subtracted 100 GB from the balance. Recall that 
balance shows the overall balance for the entire subtree. The local balance of the root remains 
unaffected, since this wasn't consumed by the root. */

        consistency = null, 
        filterType = null, 
        itemsPerPage = null, 
        itemsToSkip = null, 
        next = null, 

    items = listOf(Wallet(
        allocations = listOf(WalletAllocation(
            allocationPath = listOf("42", "52"), 
            allowSubAllocationsToAllocate = true, 
            balance = 400, 
            canAllocate = false, 
            endDate = null, 
            grantedIn = 1, 
            id = "52", 
            initialBalance = 500, 
            localBalance = 400, 
            startDate = 1633941615074, 
        chargePolicy = AllocationSelectorPolicy.EXPIRE_FIRST, 
        chargeType = ChargeType.DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA, 
        owner = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "leaf-project", 
        paysFor = ProductCategoryId(
            id = "example-storage", 
            name = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        productType = ProductType.STORAGE, 
        unit = ProductPriceUnit.PER_UNIT, 
    itemsPerPage = 50, 
    next = null, 

/* In the leaf allocation, we see that this has affected both the balance and the local balance.  */

/* We now attempt to perform a similar charge, of 50 GB, but this time on the root allocation. */

        description = "A charge for compute usage", 
        payer = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "root-project", 
        performedBy = "user", 
        periods = 1, 
        product = ProductReference(
            category = "example-storage", 
            id = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        transactionId = "charge-1", 
        units = 50, 

    responses = listOf(true), 

/* Again, this allocation succeeds. */

        consistency = null, 
        filterType = null, 
        itemsPerPage = null, 
        itemsToSkip = null, 
        next = null, 

    items = listOf(Wallet(
        allocations = listOf(WalletAllocation(
            allocationPath = listOf("42"), 
            allowSubAllocationsToAllocate = true, 
            balance = 850, 
            canAllocate = false, 
            endDate = null, 
            grantedIn = 1, 
            id = "42", 
            initialBalance = 1000, 
            localBalance = 950, 
            startDate = 1633941615074, 
        chargePolicy = AllocationSelectorPolicy.EXPIRE_FIRST, 
        chargeType = ChargeType.DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA, 
        owner = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "root-project", 
        paysFor = ProductCategoryId(
            id = "example-storage", 
            name = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        productType = ProductType.STORAGE, 
        unit = ProductPriceUnit.PER_UNIT, 
    itemsPerPage = 50, 
    next = null, 

/* This charge has affected the local and current balance of the root by the expected 50 GB. */

        consistency = null, 
        filterType = null, 
        itemsPerPage = null, 
        itemsToSkip = null, 
        next = null, 

    items = listOf(Wallet(
        allocations = listOf(WalletAllocation(
            allocationPath = listOf("42", "52"), 
            allowSubAllocationsToAllocate = true, 
            balance = 400, 
            canAllocate = false, 
            endDate = null, 
            grantedIn = 1, 
            id = "52", 
            initialBalance = 500, 
            localBalance = 400, 
            startDate = 1633941615074, 
        chargePolicy = AllocationSelectorPolicy.EXPIRE_FIRST, 
        chargeType = ChargeType.DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA, 
        owner = WalletOwner.Project(
            projectId = "leaf-project", 
        paysFor = ProductCategoryId(
            id = "example-storage", 
            name = "example-storage", 
            provider = "example", 
        productType = ProductType.STORAGE, 
        unit = ProductPriceUnit.PER_UNIT, 
    itemsPerPage = 50, 
    next = null, 

/* The leaf allocation remains unchanged. Any and all charges will only affect the charged allocation 
and their ancestors. A descendant is never directly updated by such an operation. */
Communication Flow: Curl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $host is the UCloud instance to contact. Example: 'http://localhost:8080' or 'https://cloud.sdu.dk'
# $accessToken is a valid access-token issued by UCloud
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# In this example, we will show how a charge affects the rest of the allocation hierarchy. The 
# hierarchy we use consists of a single root allocation. The root allocation has a single child, 
# which we will be referring to as the leaf, since it has no children.

# Authenticated as piRoot
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/accounting/wallets/browse?" 

# {
#     "itemsPerPage": 50,
#     "items": [
#         {
#             "owner": {
#                 "type": "project",
#                 "projectId": "root-project"
#             },
#             "paysFor": {
#                 "name": "example-storage",
#                 "provider": "example"
#             },
#             "allocations": [
#                 {
#                     "id": "42",
#                     "allocationPath": [
#                         "42"
#                     ],
#                     "balance": 1000,
#                     "initialBalance": 1000,
#                     "localBalance": 1000,
#                     "startDate": 1633941615074,
#                     "endDate": null,
#                     "grantedIn": 1,
#                     "canAllocate": false,
#                     "allowSubAllocationsToAllocate": true
#                 }
#             ],
#             "chargePolicy": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
#             "productType": "STORAGE",
#             "chargeType": "DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA",
#             "unit": "PER_UNIT"
#         }
#     ],
#     "next": null
# }

# Authenticated as piLeaf
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/accounting/wallets/browse?" 

# {
#     "itemsPerPage": 50,
#     "items": [
#         {
#             "owner": {
#                 "type": "project",
#                 "projectId": "leaf-project"
#             },
#             "paysFor": {
#                 "name": "example-storage",
#                 "provider": "example"
#             },
#             "allocations": [
#                 {
#                     "id": "52",
#                     "allocationPath": [
#                         "42",
#                         "52"
#                     ],
#                     "balance": 500,
#                     "initialBalance": 500,
#                     "localBalance": 500,
#                     "startDate": 1633941615074,
#                     "endDate": null,
#                     "grantedIn": 1,
#                     "canAllocate": false,
#                     "allowSubAllocationsToAllocate": true
#                 }
#             ],
#             "chargePolicy": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
#             "productType": "STORAGE",
#             "chargeType": "DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA",
#             "unit": "PER_UNIT"
#         }
#     ],
#     "next": null
# }

# As we can see, in our initial state, the root has 1000 GB remaining and the leaf has 500.

# We now perform our charge of 100 GB on the leaf.

# Authenticated as ucloud
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -H "Content-Type: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "$host/api/accounting/charge" -d '{
    "items": [
            "payer": {
                "type": "project",
                "projectId": "leaf-project"
            "units": 100,
            "periods": 1,
            "product": {
                "id": "example-storage",
                "category": "example-storage",
                "provider": "example"
            "performedBy": "user",
            "description": "A charge for compute usage",
            "transactionId": "charge-1"

# {
#     "responses": [
#         true
#     ]
# }

# The response, as expected, that we had enough credits for the transaction. This would have been 
# false if _any_ of the allocation in the hierarchy runs out of credits.

# Authenticated as piRoot
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/accounting/wallets/browse?" 

# {
#     "itemsPerPage": 50,
#     "items": [
#         {
#             "owner": {
#                 "type": "project",
#                 "projectId": "root-project"
#             },
#             "paysFor": {
#                 "name": "example-storage",
#                 "provider": "example"
#             },
#             "allocations": [
#                 {
#                     "id": "42",
#                     "allocationPath": [
#                         "42"
#                     ],
#                     "balance": 900,
#                     "initialBalance": 1000,
#                     "localBalance": 1000,
#                     "startDate": 1633941615074,
#                     "endDate": null,
#                     "grantedIn": 1,
#                     "canAllocate": false,
#                     "allowSubAllocationsToAllocate": true
#                 }
#             ],
#             "chargePolicy": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
#             "productType": "STORAGE",
#             "chargeType": "DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA",
#             "unit": "PER_UNIT"
#         }
#     ],
#     "next": null
# }

# On the root allocation, we see that this has subtracted 100 GB from the balance. Recall that 
# balance shows the overall balance for the entire subtree. The local balance of the root remains 
# unaffected, since this wasn't consumed by the root.

# Authenticated as piLeaf
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/accounting/wallets/browse?" 

# {
#     "itemsPerPage": 50,
#     "items": [
#         {
#             "owner": {
#                 "type": "project",
#                 "projectId": "leaf-project"
#             },
#             "paysFor": {
#                 "name": "example-storage",
#                 "provider": "example"
#             },
#             "allocations": [
#                 {
#                     "id": "52",
#                     "allocationPath": [
#                         "42",
#                         "52"
#                     ],
#                     "balance": 400,
#                     "initialBalance": 500,
#                     "localBalance": 400,
#                     "startDate": 1633941615074,
#                     "endDate": null,
#                     "grantedIn": 1,
#                     "canAllocate": false,
#                     "allowSubAllocationsToAllocate": true
#                 }
#             ],
#             "chargePolicy": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
#             "productType": "STORAGE",
#             "chargeType": "DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA",
#             "unit": "PER_UNIT"
#         }
#     ],
#     "next": null
# }

# In the leaf allocation, we see that this has affected both the balance and the local balance. 

# We now attempt to perform a similar charge, of 50 GB, but this time on the root allocation.

# Authenticated as ucloud
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -H "Content-Type: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "$host/api/accounting/charge" -d '{
    "items": [
            "payer": {
                "type": "project",
                "projectId": "root-project"
            "units": 50,
            "periods": 1,
            "product": {
                "id": "example-storage",
                "category": "example-storage",
                "provider": "example"
            "performedBy": "user",
            "description": "A charge for compute usage",
            "transactionId": "charge-1"

# {
#     "responses": [
#         true
#     ]
# }

# Again, this allocation succeeds.

# Authenticated as piRoot
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/accounting/wallets/browse?" 

# {
#     "itemsPerPage": 50,
#     "items": [
#         {
#             "owner": {
#                 "type": "project",
#                 "projectId": "root-project"
#             },
#             "paysFor": {
#                 "name": "example-storage",
#                 "provider": "example"
#             },
#             "allocations": [
#                 {
#                     "id": "42",
#                     "allocationPath": [
#                         "42"
#                     ],
#                     "balance": 850,
#                     "initialBalance": 1000,
#                     "localBalance": 950,
#                     "startDate": 1633941615074,
#                     "endDate": null,
#                     "grantedIn": 1,
#                     "canAllocate": false,
#                     "allowSubAllocationsToAllocate": true
#                 }
#             ],
#             "chargePolicy": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
#             "productType": "STORAGE",
#             "chargeType": "DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA",
#             "unit": "PER_UNIT"
#         }
#     ],
#     "next": null
# }

# This charge has affected the local and current balance of the root by the expected 50 GB.

# Authenticated as piLeaf
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/accounting/wallets/browse?" 

# {
#     "itemsPerPage": 50,
#     "items": [
#         {
#             "owner": {
#                 "type": "project",
#                 "projectId": "leaf-project"
#             },
#             "paysFor": {
#                 "name": "example-storage",
#                 "provider": "example"
#             },
#             "allocations": [
#                 {
#                     "id": "52",
#                     "allocationPath": [
#                         "42",
#                         "52"
#                     ],
#                     "balance": 400,
#                     "initialBalance": 500,
#                     "localBalance": 400,
#                     "startDate": 1633941615074,
#                     "endDate": null,
#                     "grantedIn": 1,
#                     "canAllocate": false,
#                     "allowSubAllocationsToAllocate": true
#                 }
#             ],
#             "chargePolicy": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
#             "productType": "STORAGE",
#             "chargeType": "DIFFERENTIAL_QUOTA",
#             "unit": "PER_UNIT"
#         }
#     ],
#     "next": null
# }

# The leaf allocation remains unchanged. Any and all charges will only affect the charged allocation 
# and their ancestors. A descendant is never directly updated by such an operation.
Communication Flow: Visual