Metadata Documents

API: Internal/Beta

Metadata documents form the foundation of data management in UCloud.


UCloud supports arbitrary of files. This feature is useful for general data management. It allows users to tag documents at a glance and search through them.

This feature consists of two parts:

  1. Metadata templates (previous section): Templates specify the schema. You can think of this as a way of defining how your documents should look. We use them to generate user interfaces and visual representations of your documents.

  2. Metadata documents (you are here): Documents fill out the values of a template. When you create a document you must attach it to a file also.

Table of Contents

1. Examples
Sensitivity Document
2. Remote Procedure Calls
Name Description
browse Browses metadata documents
retrieveAll No description
approve No description
create No description
delete No description
moveMetadata No description
reject No description
3. Data Models
Name Description
FileMetadataDocument A metadata document which conforms to a `FileMetadataTemplate`
FileMetadataDocument.Spec Specification of a FileMetadataDocument
FileMetadataDocument.Status The current status of a metadata document
FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus The approval status of a metadata document
FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus.Approved The metadata change has been approved by an admin in the workspace
FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus.Pending The metadata document has not yet been approved
FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus.Rejected The metadata document has been rejected by an admin of the workspace
FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus.NotRequired The metadata document does not require approval
FileMetadataAttached No description
FileMetadataTemplate A `FileMetadataTemplate` allows users to attach user-defined metadata to any `UFile`
FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType Determines how the metadata template is namespaces
FileMetadataAddRequestItem No description
FileMetadataBrowseRequest The base type for requesting paginated content.
FileMetadataDeleteRequestItem No description
FileMetadataMoveRequestItem No description
FileMetadataRetrieveAllRequest No description
FileMetadataRetrieveAllResponse No description

Example: Sensitivity Document

Frequency of useCommon
  • An authenticated user (user)
Communication Flow: Kotlin
/* In this example, we will show how to create a metadata document and attach it to a file. */

/* We already have a metadata template in the catalog: */
        id = "15123", 

    changeLog = "Initial version", 
    createdAt = 0, 
    description = "File sensitivity for files", 
    inheritable = true, 
    namespaceId = "sensitivity", 
    namespaceName = null, 
    namespaceType = FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType.COLLABORATORS, 
    requireApproval = true, 
    schema = JsonObject(mapOf("type" to JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "object", 
        isString = true, 
    )),"title" to JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "UCloud File Sensitivity", 
        isString = true, 
    )),"required" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "sensitivity", 
        isString = true, 
    ))),"properties" to JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonObject(mapOf("enum" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "SENSITIVE", 
        isString = true, 
    ), JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "CONFIDENTIAL", 
        isString = true, 
    ), JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "PRIVATE", 
        isString = true, 
    ))),"type" to JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "string", 
        isString = true, 
    )),"title" to JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "File Sensitivity", 
        isString = true, 
    )),"enumNames" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "Sensitive", 
        isString = true, 
    ), JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "Confidential", 
        isString = true, 
    ), JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "Private", 
        isString = true, 
    ))),))),))),"dependencies" to JsonObject(mapOf())),)), 
    title = "Sensitivity", 
    uiSchema = JsonObject(mapOf("ui:order" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
        coerceToInlineType = null, 
        content = "sensitivity", 
        isString = true, 
    version = "1.0.0", 

/* Using this, we can create a metadata document and attach it to our file */
        fileId = "/51231/my/file", 
        metadata = FileMetadataDocument.Spec(
            changeLog = "New sensitivity", 
            document = JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonLiteral(
                coerceToInlineType = null, 
                content = "SENSITIVE", 
                isString = true, 
            templateId = "15123", 
            version = "1.0.0", 

    responses = listOf(FindByStringId(
        id = "651233", 

/* This specific template requires approval from a workspace admin. We can do this by calling approve. */
        id = "651233", 


/* We can view the metadata by adding includeMetadata = true when requesting any file */
        flags = UFileIncludeFlags(
            allowUnsupportedInclude = null, 
            filterByFileExtension = null, 
            filterCreatedAfter = null, 
            filterCreatedBefore = null, 
            filterCreatedBy = null, 
            filterHiddenFiles = false, 
            filterIds = null, 
            filterProductCategory = null, 
            filterProductId = null, 
            filterProvider = null, 
            filterProviderIds = null, 
            hideProductCategory = null, 
            hideProductId = null, 
            hideProvider = null, 
            includeMetadata = true, 
            includeOthers = false, 
            includePermissions = null, 
            includeProduct = false, 
            includeSizes = null, 
            includeSupport = false, 
            includeTimestamps = null, 
            includeUnixInfo = null, 
            includeUpdates = false, 
            path = null, 
        id = "51231", 

    createdAt = 1635151675465, 
    id = "/51231/my/file", 
    owner = ResourceOwner(
        createdBy = "user", 
        project = null, 
    permissions = ResourcePermissions(
        myself = listOf(Permission.ADMIN), 
        others = emptyList(), 
    specification = UFileSpecification(
        collection = "51231", 
        product = ProductReference(
            category = "example-ssd", 
            id = "example-ssd", 
            provider = "example", 
    status = UFileStatus(
        accessedAt = null, 
        icon = null, 
        metadata = FileMetadataHistory(
            metadata = mapOf("sensitivity" to listOf(FileMetadataDocument(
                createdAt = 1635151675465, 
                createdBy = "user", 
                id = "651233", 
                specification = FileMetadataDocument.Spec(
                    changeLog = "New sensitivity", 
                    document = JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonLiteral(
                        coerceToInlineType = null, 
                        content = "SENSITIVE", 
                        isString = true, 
                    templateId = "15123", 
                    version = "1.0.0", 
                status = FileMetadataDocument.Status(
                    approval = FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus.Approved(
                        approvedBy = "user", 
            templates = mapOf("sensitivity" to FileMetadataTemplate(
                changeLog = "Initial version", 
                createdAt = 0, 
                description = "File sensitivity for files", 
                inheritable = true, 
                namespaceId = "sensitivity", 
                namespaceName = null, 
                namespaceType = FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType.COLLABORATORS, 
                requireApproval = true, 
                schema = JsonObject(mapOf("type" to JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "object", 
                    isString = true, 
                )),"title" to JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "UCloud File Sensitivity", 
                    isString = true, 
                )),"required" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "sensitivity", 
                    isString = true, 
                ))),"properties" to JsonObject(mapOf("sensitivity" to JsonObject(mapOf("enum" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "SENSITIVE", 
                    isString = true, 
                ), JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "CONFIDENTIAL", 
                    isString = true, 
                ), JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "PRIVATE", 
                    isString = true, 
                ))),"type" to JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "string", 
                    isString = true, 
                )),"title" to JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "File Sensitivity", 
                    isString = true, 
                )),"enumNames" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "Sensitive", 
                    isString = true, 
                ), JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "Confidential", 
                    isString = true, 
                ), JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "Private", 
                    isString = true, 
                ))),))),))),"dependencies" to JsonObject(mapOf())),)), 
                title = "Sensitivity", 
                uiSchema = JsonObject(mapOf("ui:order" to listOf(JsonLiteral(
                    coerceToInlineType = null, 
                    content = "sensitivity", 
                    isString = true, 
                version = "1.0.0", 
        modifiedAt = null, 
        resolvedProduct = null, 
        resolvedSupport = null, 
        sizeInBytes = null, 
        sizeIncludingChildrenInBytes = null, 
        type = FileType.FILE, 
        unixGroup = null, 
        unixMode = null, 
        unixOwner = null, 
    updates = emptyList(), 
    providerGeneratedId = "/51231/my/file", 
Communication Flow: Curl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $host is the UCloud instance to contact. Example: 'http://localhost:8080' or ''
# $accessToken is a valid access-token issued by UCloud
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# In this example, we will show how to create a metadata document and attach it to a file.

# We already have a metadata template in the catalog:

# Authenticated as user
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/files/metadataTemplates/retrieveLatest?id=15123" 

# {
#     "namespaceId": "sensitivity",
#     "title": "Sensitivity",
#     "version": "1.0.0",
#     "schema": {
#         "type": "object",
#         "title": "UCloud File Sensitivity",
#         "required": [
#             "sensitivity"
#         ],
#         "properties": {
#             "sensitivity": {
#                 "enum": [
#                     "SENSITIVE",
#                     "CONFIDENTIAL",
#                     "PRIVATE"
#                 ],
#                 "type": "string",
#                 "title": "File Sensitivity",
#                 "enumNames": [
#                     "Sensitive",
#                     "Confidential",
#                     "Private"
#                 ]
#             }
#         },
#         "dependencies": {
#         }
#     },
#     "inheritable": true,
#     "requireApproval": true,
#     "description": "File sensitivity for files",
#     "changeLog": "Initial version",
#     "namespaceType": "COLLABORATORS",
#     "uiSchema": {
#         "ui:order": [
#             "sensitivity"
#         ]
#     },
#     "namespaceName": null,
#     "createdAt": 0
# }

# Using this, we can create a metadata document and attach it to our file

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -H "Content-Type: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "$host/api/files/metadata" -d '{
    "items": [
            "fileId": "/51231/my/file",
            "metadata": {
                "templateId": "15123",
                "version": "1.0.0",
                "document": {
                    "sensitivity": "SENSITIVE"
                "changeLog": "New sensitivity"

# {
#     "responses": [
#         {
#             "id": "651233"
#         }
#     ]
# }

# This specific template requires approval from a workspace admin. We can do this by calling approve.

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -H "Content-Type: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "$host/api/files/metadata/approve" -d '{
    "items": [
            "id": "651233"

# {
# }

# We can view the metadata by adding includeMetadata = true when requesting any file

curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" "$host/api/files/retrieve?includeOthers=false&includeUpdates=false&includeSupport=false&includeProduct=false&includeMetadata=true&filterHiddenFiles=false&id=51231" 

# {
#     "id": "/51231/my/file",
#     "specification": {
#         "collection": "51231",
#         "product": {
#             "id": "example-ssd",
#             "category": "example-ssd",
#             "provider": "example"
#         }
#     },
#     "createdAt": 1635151675465,
#     "status": {
#         "type": "FILE",
#         "icon": null,
#         "sizeInBytes": null,
#         "sizeIncludingChildrenInBytes": null,
#         "modifiedAt": null,
#         "accessedAt": null,
#         "unixMode": null,
#         "unixOwner": null,
#         "unixGroup": null,
#         "metadata": {
#             "templates": {
#                 "sensitivity": {
#                     "namespaceId": "sensitivity",
#                     "title": "Sensitivity",
#                     "version": "1.0.0",
#                     "schema": {
#                         "type": "object",
#                         "title": "UCloud File Sensitivity",
#                         "required": [
#                             "sensitivity"
#                         ],
#                         "properties": {
#                             "sensitivity": {
#                                 "enum": [
#                                     "SENSITIVE",
#                                     "CONFIDENTIAL",
#                                     "PRIVATE"
#                                 ],
#                                 "type": "string",
#                                 "title": "File Sensitivity",
#                                 "enumNames": [
#                                     "Sensitive",
#                                     "Confidential",
#                                     "Private"
#                                 ]
#                             }
#                         },
#                         "dependencies": {
#                         }
#                     },
#                     "inheritable": true,
#                     "requireApproval": true,
#                     "description": "File sensitivity for files",
#                     "changeLog": "Initial version",
#                     "namespaceType": "COLLABORATORS",
#                     "uiSchema": {
#                         "ui:order": [
#                             "sensitivity"
#                         ]
#                     },
#                     "namespaceName": null,
#                     "createdAt": 0
#                 }
#             },
#             "metadata": {
#                 "sensitivity": [
#                     {
#                         "type": "metadata",
#                         "id": "651233",
#                         "specification": {
#                             "templateId": "15123",
#                             "version": "1.0.0",
#                             "document": {
#                                 "sensitivity": "SENSITIVE"
#                             },
#                             "changeLog": "New sensitivity"
#                         },
#                         "createdAt": 1635151675465,
#                         "status": {
#                             "approval": {
#                                 "type": "approved",
#                                 "approvedBy": "user"
#                             }
#                         },
#                         "createdBy": "user"
#                     }
#                 ]
#             }
#         },
#         "resolvedSupport": null,
#         "resolvedProduct": null
#     },
#     "owner": {
#         "createdBy": "user",
#         "project": null
#     },
#     "permissions": {
#         "myself": [
#             "ADMIN"
#         ],
#         "others": [
#         ]
#     },
#     "updates": [
#     ]
# }
Communication Flow: Visual

Remote Procedure Calls


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Browses metadata documents

Request Response Error
FileMetadataBrowseRequest PageV2<FileMetadataAttached> CommonErrorMessage

Browses in all accessible metadata documents of a user. These are potentially filtered via the flags provided in the request, such as filtering for specific templates. This endpoint should consider any FileCollection that the user has access to in the currently active project. Note that this endpoint can only return information about the metadata documents and not the file contents itself. Clients should generally present the output of this has purely metadata documents, they can link to the real files if needed. This should eventually result in either a browse or retrieve call in the files API.


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request Response Error
FileMetadataRetrieveAllRequest FileMetadataRetrieveAllResponse CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<FindByStringId> Unit CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<FileMetadataAddRequestItem> BulkResponse<FindByStringId> CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<FileMetadataDeleteRequestItem> Unit CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<FileMetadataMoveRequestItem> Unit CommonErrorMessage


API: Internal/Beta Auth: Users

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<FindByStringId> Unit CommonErrorMessage

Data Models


API: Experimental/Beta

A metadata document which conforms to a FileMetadataTemplate

data class FileMetadataDocument(
    val id: String,
    val specification: FileMetadataDocument.Spec,
    val createdAt: Long,
    val status: FileMetadataDocument.Status,
    val createdBy: String,
    val type: String /* "metadata" */,
id: String
specification: FileMetadataDocument.Spec
createdAt: Long
status: FileMetadataDocument.Status
createdBy: String
type: String /* "metadata" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Experimental/Beta

Specification of a FileMetadataDocument

data class Spec(
    val templateId: String,
    val version: String,
    val document: JsonObject,
    val changeLog: String,
templateId: String The ID of the `FileMetadataTemplate` that this document conforms to
version: String The version of the `FileMetadataTemplate` that this document conforms to
document: JsonObject The document which fills out the template
changeLog: String Reason for this change


API: Experimental/Beta

The current status of a metadata document

data class Status(
    val approval: FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus,
approval: FileMetadataDocument.ApprovalStatus


API: Experimental/Beta

The approval status of a metadata document

sealed class ApprovalStatus {
    class Approved : ApprovalStatus()
    class NotRequired : ApprovalStatus()
    class Pending : ApprovalStatus()
    class Rejected : ApprovalStatus()


API: Experimental/Beta

The metadata change has been approved by an admin in the workspace

data class Approved(
    val approvedBy: String,
    val type: String /* "approved" */,
approvedBy: String
type: String /* "approved" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Experimental/Beta

The metadata document has not yet been approved

data class Pending(
    val type: String /* "pending" */,
type: String /* "pending" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Experimental/Beta

The metadata document has been rejected by an admin of the workspace

data class Rejected(
    val rejectedBy: String,
    val type: String /* "rejected" */,
rejectedBy: String
type: String /* "rejected" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Experimental/Beta

The metadata document does not require approval

data class NotRequired(
    val type: String /* "not_required" */,
type: String /* "not_required" */ The type discriminator

API: Stable


API: Internal/Beta

data class FileMetadataAttached(
    val path: String,
    val metadata: FileMetadataDocument,
path: String
metadata: FileMetadataDocument


API: Experimental/Alpha

A FileMetadataTemplate allows users to attach user-defined metadata to any UFile

data class FileMetadataTemplate(
    val namespaceId: String,
    val title: String,
    val version: String,
    val schema: JsonObject,
    val inheritable: Boolean,
    val requireApproval: Boolean,
    val description: String,
    val changeLog: String,
    val namespaceType: FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType,
    val uiSchema: JsonObject?,
    val namespaceName: String?,
    val createdAt: Long?,
namespaceId: String The ID of the namespace that this template belongs to
title: String The title of this template. It does not have to be unique.
version: String Version identifier for this version. It must be unique within a single template group.
schema: JsonObject JSON-Schema for this document
inheritable: Boolean Makes this template inheritable by descendants of the file that the template is attached to
requireApproval: Boolean If `true` then a user with `ADMINISTRATOR` rights must approve all changes to metadata
description: String Description of this template. Markdown is supported.
changeLog: String A description of the change since last version. Markdown is supported.
namespaceType: FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType
uiSchema: JsonObject?
namespaceName: String?
createdAt: Long?


API: Internal/Beta

Determines how the metadata template is namespaces

enum class FileMetadataTemplateNamespaceType {
COLLABORATORS The template is namespaced to all collaborators

This means at most one metadata document can exist per file.

PER_USER The template is namespaced to a single user

This means that a metadata document might exist for every user who has/had access to the file.


API: Internal/Beta

data class FileMetadataAddRequestItem(
    val fileId: String,
    val metadata: FileMetadataDocument.Spec,
fileId: String
metadata: FileMetadataDocument.Spec


API: Experimental/Alpha

The base type for requesting paginated content.

data class FileMetadataBrowseRequest(
    val filterTemplate: String?,
    val filterVersion: String?,
    val filterActive: Boolean?,
    val itemsPerPage: Int?,
    val next: String?,
    val consistency: PaginationRequestV2Consistency?,
    val itemsToSkip: Long?,

Paginated content can be requested with one of the following consistency guarantees, this greatly changes the semantics of the call:

Consistency Description
PREFER Consistency is preferred but not required. An inconsistent snapshot might be returned.
REQUIRE Consistency is required. A request will fail if consistency is no longer guaranteed.

The consistency refers to if collecting all the results via the pagination API are consistent. We consider the results to be consistent if it contains a complete view at some point in time. In practice this means that the results must contain all the items, in the correct order and without duplicates.

If you use the PREFER consistency then you may receive in-complete results that might appear out-of-order and can contain duplicate items. UCloud will still attempt to serve a snapshot which appears mostly consistent. This is helpful for user-interfaces which do not strictly depend on consistency but would still prefer something which is mostly consistent.

The results might become inconsistent if the client either takes too long, or a service instance goes down while fetching the results. UCloud attempts to keep each next token alive for at least one minute before invalidating it. This does not mean that a client must collect all results within a minute but rather that they must fetch the next page within a minute of the last page. If this is not feasible and consistency is not required then PREFER should be used.

📝 NOTE: Services are allowed to ignore extra criteria of the request if the next token is supplied. This is needed in order to provide a consistent view of the results. Clients should provide the same criterion as they paginate through the results.

filterTemplate: String? Filters on the `templateId` attribute of metadata documents
filterVersion: String? Filters on the `version` attribute of metadata documents.Requires `filterTemplate` to be specified`
filterActive: Boolean? Determines if this should only fetch document which have status `not_required` or `approved`
itemsPerPage: Int? Requested number of items per page. Supported values: 10, 25, 50, 100, 250.
next: String? A token requesting the next page of items
consistency: PaginationRequestV2Consistency? Controls the consistency guarantees provided by the backend
itemsToSkip: Long? Items to skip ahead


API: Internal/Beta

data class FileMetadataDeleteRequestItem(
    val id: String,
    val changeLog: String,
id: String
changeLog: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class FileMetadataMoveRequestItem(
    val oldFileId: String,
    val newFileId: String,
oldFileId: String
newFileId: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class FileMetadataRetrieveAllRequest(
    val fileId: String,
fileId: String


API: Internal/Beta

data class FileMetadataRetrieveAllResponse(
    val metadata: List<FileMetadataAttached>,
metadata: List<FileMetadataAttached>