Ingoing API

API: Stable

Table of Contents

1. Remote Procedure Calls
Name Description
retrieveProducts Retrieve product support for this provider
create Request creation of resource.
delete Request deletion of resource.
init Request from the user to (potentially) initialize any resources
updateAcl Callback received by the Provider when permissions are updated
verify Invoked by UCloud/Core to trigger verification of a single batch

Remote Procedure Calls


API: Stable Auth: Services

Retrieve product support for this provider

Request Response Error
Unit BulkResponse<IngressSupport> CommonErrorMessage

This endpoint responds with the Products supported by this provider along with details for how Product is supported. The Products must be registered with UCloud/Core already.


API: Stable Auth: Services

Request creation of resource.

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<Ingress> BulkResponse<FindByStringId> CommonErrorMessage


API: Stable Auth: Services

Request deletion of resource.

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<Ingress> BulkResponse<Unit> CommonErrorMessage


API: Stable Auth: Services

Request from the user to (potentially) initialize any resources

Request Response Error
ResourceInitializationRequest Unit CommonErrorMessage

This request is sent by the client, if the client believes that initialization of resources might be needed. NOTE: This request might be sent even if initialization has already taken place. UCloud/Core does not check if initialization has already taken place, it simply validates the request.


API: Stable Auth: Services

Callback received by the Provider when permissions are updated

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<UpdatedAclWithResource<Ingress>> BulkResponse<Unit> CommonErrorMessage

This endpoint is mandatory for Providers to implement. If the Provider does not need to keep internal state, then they may simply ignore this request by responding with 200 OK. The Provider MUST reply with an OK status. UCloud/Core will fail the request if the Provider does not acknowledge the request.


API: Stable Auth: Services

Invoked by UCloud/Core to trigger verification of a single batch

Request Response Error
BulkRequest<Ingress> Unit CommonErrorMessage

This endpoint is periodically invoked by UCloud/Core for resources which are deemed active. The Provider should immediately determine if these are still valid and recognized by the Provider. If any of the resources are not valid, then the Provider should notify UCloud/Core by issuing an update for each affected resource.